Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Movie Review

Not that every Monday will have a movie review....but on this particular weekend we had my brother, Dillon, spend the night with us and we rented 5 movies to be watched in a little over 24 hours. And it was only $4 for all 5 movies (we rented from Blockbuster Express and had a rent 2, get 1 free coupon)!! It was a lot of fun and we accomplished our goal (watch 3 on Saturday night and 2 on Sunday), with a lot of salty and sugary snacks to keep us going.

The first movie we watched was 2012. Dillon recommended it since he had already seen it and said it was good and action packed...and he was right. The premise is that on a particular date in 2012 the earth as we know it will cease to exist due to extreme core temperatures rising, shifting of the crust and plates, etc. You get some background info on how they find out a few years before that this will happen and pretty quickly you fast forward to when things start to go bad. It was a very action packed movie, with pretty great visual effects....although a tad unrealistic that this one particular family would be able to avoid every single catastrophic event throughout the movie....which I guess makes it a movie. Not sure if my sister should see this movie since she seems to have some sort of tsunami phobia....and I don't think her plan of what to do in the event of a tsunami would work out all that well in this instance. I really liked this movie and if you haven't seen it, it is definitely worth renting.

Next we watched Shutter Island. I am all about some Leo Dicaprio. I could watch him in a movie if all he did was stare at the wall. Not sure how to sum up this movie, it was crazy. For a while, we weren't quite totally sure what was going on....there are a lot of flashback type scenes so it is definitely a movie that you will need to pay close attention to. The music is well worth noting...not sure who did the score, but they should get some type of kept the entire movie full of suspense. I wouldn't really classify this as a horror movie at all...but there were some scenes that made you jump...including one that even had my brother practically jump off the couch!! Without revealing the was....well, something I didn't see coming. I didn't dislike this movie, it wasn't bad, but it is not one that I will run out and purchase (which is what I do with most Leo movies). Still, I would say it is worth seeing (if you are a Leo fanatic, such as myself).

Our final movie of Saturday night was Youth in Revolt starring Michael Cera. We thought we would end the night with something to counteract all the suspense and this comedy did the trick. I went into this movie not really having a clue what it was about, couldn't remember seeing any previews for it, but that was ok. Basically the main character is kind of a loser who falls in love with this girl and creates this cool, sly, rebellious alter-ego for himself so he can win her heart. He ends up in all kinds of hilarious trouble just to win this girl. You feel bad for him, but you really can't help but laugh at him all along the way. I thought this was a good, funny movie. We all liked it and would recommend watching it if you were looking for a laugh. (But it is not a kids movie, too many adult type situations....really all the movies we watched weren't for kids, since I haven't mentioned that so far)

On Sunday we continued our movie marathon with The Hurt Locker. I am not always big into war movies, but we were again going on Dillon's recommendation that this was a great movie...and he was right. Essentially you follow a small group of specialized soldiers whose job it is to disarm and dispose of bombs that are set up all over Iraq. They gain a new leader and quickly find out that he just might be crazy....and definitely not scared to die, or put them in dangerous situations. This movie had suspense and made you think, also had some sad parts too. I ended up really liking it, and very thankful that we have so many brave men that will become soldiers and put their lives on the line to protect our country. I could never do that job, or do it as well as these guys did.

Our final movie of the weekend was The Shooter with Marky Mark Walhberg. Boy, do I love some Marky Mark. Another actor that I could watch doing nothing. And if he was shirtless I could watch for even longer. Thankfully, he had a few shirtless scenes in this movie. But even if he hadn't, the movie still would've been great. He plays a former sniper who was living all alone in the mountains, but gets talked back into helping the government figure out a possible assassination attempt on the president.....but things go wrong pretty quickly and he himself is the main suspect, totally double-crossed by the guys in DC. This movie has action, that is for sure. And you are drawn into the story from the moment the movie begins, rooting for the main character as he tries to clear his name and bring to justice against the real bad guys. We all liked this movie a lot, I could easily watch it again, and might even buy it. It turned out to be a great finish to our movie marathon weekend.

So, I probably won't be contacted by any publications to write up movie reviews any time soon....which is just fine with me. But we had such a fun weekend of movie watching and junk food eating (Dillon made rice krispy treats, I made cupcakes, Michael made chocolate chip we had popcorn, some chips and lots of raspberry ginger ale) I couldn't resist blogging about it. We were all happily surprised that all 5 movies turned out to be pretty decent, you'd expect at least one dud in the bunch and this weekend that was not the case. I really like having relaxing weekends like these after feeling like the past few weeks we have been just going and we really enjoy when my brother spends the night at our house. I definitely hope to be having many more of these weekends in my near future...especially before the baby gets here and then I probably won't see 5 movies in 5 months!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. 2010, really?? I thought that movie was horrible. It was so unrealistic and cheesy that It didn't even hold my attention the whole time. You were right about the tsunami part, but other than that I thought it was lame. I loved both Shutter Island and Shooter, though. I haven't seen the other two, but they're on my list of movies to rent. Other than your synopsis of 2012, which was way too generous in my opinion, good review =).
