Friday, May 28, 2010

Long Weekend

Today is the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. I am very excited about this particular holiday because I have 3 whole days off work and lots of fun things planned for those days.

Tonight, when the work day is finally done, I am getting together with my sister and a 3 other friends for dinner and a movie....Sex and the City 2!! When the first Sex and the City movie came out we had a similar girls sister wasn't able to make it though so I am very glad she can this time. Sure, I can't have anything exciting to drink (cosmo, martini, etc) with my dinner but that won't stop me from having fun. I think my last Girls Night Out was my bachelorette party....and that was over a year and 3 months ago! So it won't be as wild tonight as it was that night (an entire other post in itself, haha) but I think we are all looking forward to the evening.

Tomorrow, if the weather cooperates, we plan on spending time at my parents' house, lounging by the pool, just relaxing with everyone and hanging out. Tomorrow evening Michael and I are attending the wedding of the youngest daughter of my former boss. It will be nice to see a lot of my former coworkers and I know that the bride will be beautiful. I love going to weddings with Michael because it always reminds me of our own wedding and how wonderful it was.

Sunday we are having a traditional family pool party at the Mercer house. Which means lots of people (family and friends), lots of food and drinks (minus the drinks for me this time), and cutthroat Trivial Pursuit. We do this kind of party several times a year (with or without the pool being involved, just depending on the weather) and it is always a great time.

Monday could be a nice relaxing pool day or maybe a movie with the family or Michael and I have talked about going to register for this baby...I know we have to get on that soon! Whatever we end up doing will be nice and then the next work week will be good and short.

I hope everyone is able to just relax and enjoy the long holiday weekend with family and friends. I am so thankful that I have such close friends and family and am looking forward to getting this fun weekend started!! :-)

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