Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sophia's First Easter

Well, I keep trying to post pictures of our fun weekend but stupid blogger will NOT let me. And it is pretty much making me furious. A couple nights ago I posted about 65 or so pictures in three different albums on Facebook (and tagged people and added captions) in about 15 minutes. And I have tried multiple times last night and tonight to post FIVE pictures to stupid blogger and every time I wait and wait and wait as my pictures appear to load...and then nope, no go. Every. Single. Time. I have ZERO patience for things like that and each time makes me even more angry. So here we go, with a picture-less blog about a great weekend in which I have a ton of really good pictures of our cute girl celebrating her very first Easter. Maybe at some point (like when my patience with this moronic site returns) I can come back and add some to this post (and then remove my angry rant!).

We decided that we would just spend the entire weekend at my parents' sister and bro-in-law and nephew would be there and nowadays it is just easier to go somewhere and stay there rather than go and then come home and then get up and go right back. Sophia has gotten used to my parents' house and the pack and play there, plus my mom has a swing and a stroller and a high chair seat thing so we don't have to cart every single thing when we go. Basically pack up clothes and food and off we go.

We had a really fun time dyeing Easter eggs (insert picture). Sophia touched as much as we would let her and seemed to enjoy just being around for the festivities. My Mom got into the Easter bunny action, so after the kids went to bed the adults set up the (overflowing) Easter baskets. Again, a picture here would be ideal. I must say the Easter bunny went WAY overboard. Thankfully Sophia doesn't have a perception of how full the basket should be at this year we can scale back for sure (although scaling back isn't really innate to my nature and will have to be something I work on, hahaha). I have a lot of cute pictures of Sophia going through her Easter basket....she reached in all by herself and took out each toy and looked at it and played with it a little before moving on to the next thing....she even liked the adorable pink Nike sandals my Mom added to the pile. She smiled and waved at all of us looking at her...and she would even look over with interest at cousin Cooper as he played with his own giant pile of gifts.

We got Sophia dressed in an adorable dress (ugh, picture needed!!) and cute little white sandals and we headed off as a family to church. I was surprised that Sophia was really a good girl through the whole service (not too loud, only fussy for a minute till she fell asleep)...lately at church she has been quite vocal and we pretty much hide out in the cry room. But everything went well and after church we went to an awesome brunch at the 1818 Club...the same place where we held our wedding reception. Sophia was a little more fussy there...she seemed jealous of all the delicious food we were all eating. Michael got a banana off the dessert table and mashed it up and that is what we fed her, along with some puffs, to keep her quiet.

I would also add the family photos that we take each year after brunch, but you know....

After brunch, the whole clan went back to my parents' house.....for even more good food. All in the all, the weekend was quite wonderful. Exhausting, but really nice. I guess some pictures would really show you how nice it was....but stupid, freakin, worthless blogger WILL NOT cooperate with me. I may have mentioned how annoyed I am with that whole situation.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter. And I hope that eventually I will be able to prove, in pictures, how great mine was!

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