Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Sweet Girl

Just wanted to quickly post about a couple things that happened yesterday that showed Michael and me just how sweet and loving Sophia is. I want to be able to remember this in the future when she is a teenager!!
First, we were doing a lot of rearranging, organizing and cleaning in our house yesterday. As we cleaned some areas, others ended up with more stuff in them to be dealt with later. For example, a wire shoe rack, that was for some reason in the playroom, ended up in the hallway. Sophia and I were at the end of the hallway in my room and heard a huge crash. We looked out the door and saw Michael sprawled on the floor...he had tripped over the shoe rack! Unfortunately in these types of situations I always feel like laughing first...this time I at least asked if he was ok before chuckling. He said he was ok but seemed to be carrying on a bit for effect...probably trying to make me think he was more hurt so I wouldn't laugh. Well, it totally worked on Sophia...she started screaming Daddy, Daddy and was starting to cry!! When he realized she was so scared/concerned he got right up and went over to hug her and help me calm her down....poor girl really thought her Daddy was hurt!
Later, we were all cuddled up in our bed watching Cinderella. Sophia had never seen it before and was really enjoying it. But when the part came where the mean stepsisters tear up the dress that the mice made for Cinderella, Sophia got SO upset. As Cinderella was running to the garden in tears, Sophia kept saying (in a tearful, on the verge of crying voice) 'what did they do, where did they go, where is Cinderella going?' Again it took a few moments to calm her down (the Fairy Godmother showing up helped a bit too!).
Twice in one day showing real concern and caring for someone else...and one was a cartoon princess!! Obviously she is sweet with us by giving kisses and hugs and tells us that she loves us...but showing true compassion for someone else who might be hurting makes me so happy and proud of the sweet little girl she is growing into. :-)

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