Monday, January 28, 2013

And Some More Good News

Well, since today was my 12 week appointment and everything looked great, I am finally excited to announce that the Santoro family is expanding this year and Sophia is going to be a big sister!!!
My official due date is August 15...which is only 4 days before my birthday! But since I had a c-section with Sophia, I'm able to schedule another at about 39 weeks...which means I should not have to be in the hospital on or too near my birthday. :-)
This pregnancy has been COMPLETELY different from my first so far. I've been pretty sick, which never happened the first time around. I'm exhausted, but that's not surprising. Besides chasing around my sweet 2 year old 24/7 I also have 9 other 2 year olds I deal with three days a week at preschool. That was tiring before I was pregnant!!
We will definitely be finding out if this baby is a boy or girl when it's time for that. No patience in this family! Plus I think it will help Soph get somewhat adjusted to another little person coming into her life. She's pretty excited right now, wants to help me change and feed the baby and bring it to Disney World! (We are going there in November, so it's not totally random!) If you ask her, some days she says it's a little sister and some days it's a little brother. And she likes telling people she's going to be a BIG sister. :-)
I don't think I'll probably be able to blog every week about the pregnancy (and who really wants to read about how much I throw up each week anyway??) but I do want to make sure to document the milestones and things that I'd like to remember about it. I was already about 5 months pregnant with Sophia when I started my blog up so I did miss some things that time around. And obviously I've been so terrible lately about finding time to update this thing...but I do have a lot more reasons now to try and catch up. Just waiting on my surge of energy (and decrease in feeling sick)!!
Finally, here is a pic of baby #2 (I know it says 13wks and 3days but I'm only 12 wks). They said everything looks perfect and the heart rate was 157bpm (at my last appt it was 148bpm...I couldn't remember how Sophs was to compare). I was relieved that everything looked good.
We are very excited to meet this baby in August...2013 is definitely going to be a great year for the Santoro family!!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you and the family! It is going to be an awesome year for y'all!
