Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It Only Took 9 Months

Today Sophia Rose is 9 months old! I can't believe that in three short months she will be a year old. These nine months with her have flown by...I wouldn't mind if they slowed down just a bit! In the last month she has turned from helpless baby to little menace!! Just kidding. But she has been doing so much more and Mommy has to be very creative if I want to do anything on my own these days. Sophia is crawling everywhere now...it started as just dragging herself on her belly....but she gave that up for the much quicker, traditional crawling style. She has two teeth as of now, on the bottom, but I think that at least two more are going to be here soon. She drools like a little faucet. She is now pulling herself up on everything. My least favorite milestone thus far. Maybe because she occasionally face plants into our wood floors. She cries, because it hurts of course, but stops pretty quickly when she sees how Mommy freaks out about it!
Something that she has not picked up yet has been a cold or any sickness. Well, until now! I think I know where it came from.......last Thursday I took Sophia for her first class at Gymboree Play and Learn. We had a good time, there were about 10 or so other kids in the class, and Sophia had fun climbing and loved the bubbles and parachute part of the class. This was actually the first time that she had been around so many other babies in her age group and at first she just sat in my lap and stared at everyone. But she loosened up and interacted with some of the babies. The very next evening I noticed her nose was starting to run like a faucet. She slept terribly, because she was so stuffed up. Saturday was more of the same....very very runny nose and congestion. Sunday she had a little fever and developed a cough along with the runny nose. We called the nurse line that our pediatrician provides for us and after a lot of questions we were told that we were doing the right thing and to just keep an eye on her for if things got worse. Her 9 month appointment was today and the doctor discovered that she has a little ear infection! We have to give her an antibiotic and go back in two weeks....but Sophia is taking it like a trouper. She HATES having her nose wiped a hundred times a day but other than that and not quite sleeping as well as usual she is still her happy self.
I am thankful that I was able to keep her away from germs and sickness this long...although I know that I couldn't keep her from getting sick forever! I guess I did wish I could shelter her from illness and other unpleasant things...but I guess it is good that I learn now that her whole life I won't be able to protect her from everything, just that I should do my best to protect her from the things I can and take care of her and be there for whatever she needs when the things come along that I can't protect her from.
Next on the list for my sweet girl.....she has to have an overnight stay at Scottish Rite for a sleep study. Even though I am nervous about this I know it is the first step in figuring out why she snores like an old man and sometimes skips a breath when she sleeps. And after that we would visit an ENT with the results of the study to hopefully figure out how to solve whatever it is that is affecting her sleep. I am confident we will be able to find out what is going on and the best way to fix it. I am sure there will be more posts on this particular topic as it unfolds.
On a more positive note, Sophia has been saying Mama a lot, probably my favorite milestone so far. She has changed so much in the last nine months. I know that walking will come soon, and then talking, eating more and more foods....I'm excited for these coming milestones, but am happy where she is right now too.....I love my sweet nine month old baby girl!! :-)

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