Friday, June 24, 2011

Time Warp

Tonight is Sophia's sleep study...which I am quite nervous to keep my mind off of it for a while I am going to blog about my evening a couple days ago....the NKOTBSB concert!!!

When I was in middle school (no need to specify exactly how long ago that was, haha) I was a huge New Kids on the Block fan. I had all the tapes (ugh, obviously it was light years ago) and posters taped to my door and my sister and I even had a couple New Kids dolls (I had Jordan and my sis had Joey...those were our favorites!) say fanatic was an understatement. My Dad said that the popular New Kids wouldn't last five fact, he bet me $5 that they wouldn't! Well, Dad, you can pay me back that $5 now, cause the other night at the concert tens of thousands of screaming fans proved that no matter how many years have passed (let's just say more than five years has gone by) the New Kids on the Block are still awesome!

I never did see the New Kids in concert back when they were originally big. I was super happy to hear that they were going on tour again, and with another of my faves, the Backstreet Boys. When the Backstreet Boys were originally huge, I was in had to kinda be a closet fan. My sister defined fanatic for the Boys, even going to see 2 of their concerts!

The concert was AWESOME!!! I thought I would feel like a super old fogey reliving my youth but instead it was SO much fun and I felt young again (well, somewhat young...I guess it's all relative!) and screamed my head off and sang at the top of my lungs. I was surprised how many of the older songs I remembered a lot of the words to. Only a few songs in and my throat was so sore! But that didn't stop me from scream-singing for the entire two hours the two bands performed. Even the presentation was band would sing a song and then the lights would go down and when they came back up, the other band was there to sing a song, and so on.

A couple of notes about the bands....the New Kids on the Block...well, they sure aren't kids anymore!! Joey, my sister's fave and the youngest Kid, seemed to look the oldest to me! Jordan, my fave, still pretty much looked the same....maybe he has hit the Botox a bit in the last few years! Oddly, Donnie, a New Kid I formally didn't pay much attention to (well, I mean, other than the fact that he is the brother of Marky Mark) looked great....and I make this statement based on his awesome abs! Both bands still sing great....although I found myself really enjoying the Backstreet Boys songs even a bit more than the New Kids songs...something I thought would be totally opposite. And my former favorite Backstreet Boy, Nick....well, he is still my favorite. YUM!!

I thoroughly enjoyed my fun evening out with my sister, my friend Tracey, Amy, and the two Lindsey's. It is not often that I leave Sophia for a girls night. I am very glad that Sophia spent the evening having a Daddy/Daughter night while I had a great time screaming, singing, dancing to some great boy bands from my past. Before long Sophia will be singing along with both bands' greatest hits....especially since I have been playing the songs over and over since I got back from one awesome concert!!! :-) I love NKOTBSB!!!

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