Tuesday, September 20, 2011

More One Year Stuff

I shall catch up on my blogging one day. Anyway, at Sophia's 12 month check-up we found out she weighs 21 pounds and 13 oz and is 29.25 inches long....50th percentile for both. At her last check-up (9 month) she was in the 75th percentile for weight (and I think 90th at six months) and has pretty much always been 50th for height (and probably always will, sorry Soph!). She really only gained a couple pounds over the few months and Michael and I were a little worried we weren't feeding her enough....but her pediatrician said that she is doing great and is just perfect. Just not really as much of a chunky-monkey girl anymore! Now we can start to give her whole milk. Yay! No more formula! Well, we are kinda doing it gradually, but in a couple weeks we will be formula free in this house. It will be like a small raise, haha. Sophia did have to get a few shots but she did pretty well....she lays still for the nurse and then just screams her head off. It's pretty sad to watch. But she doesn't really thrash around too much or anything. Yet. Also at this point she is still ok with the examination the doctor does. She thinks the stethoscope is funny and tries to grab it. She isn't a fan of when the doctor looks in her mouth....she really clamps her teeth shut, haha. Every time we are there the doctor says that next time Sophia will remember and start to not like being there....so far it hasn't happened. She especially loves seeing the other kids in the waiting room. I know at some point I am going to pull in to the parking lot and she is going to freak, but for now I am going to enjoy the somewhat easy doctor visits. I am sure it will turn ugly eventually and then my posts concerning doc appointments will be far more entertaining.

On the actually day of Sophia's birthday (Wed, Sept 7, in case you forgot), Michael and I decorated our house Minnie Mouse style. Minnie is Sophia's favorite. She goes crazy pretty much whenever she sees Minnie. In fact, I was in Party City with my Mom and had planned to go with a baby animal theme and she saw the baby Minnie stuff and was really freaking out, trying to grab it, nearly jumping out of my arms for it. So I caved and went baby Minnie themed. Guess I'll just let her pick her birthday theme every year, haha.
When she woke up from her nap we brought her out to see all the decorations and she was just so excited, pointing to every Minnie all over. We taught her how to tell us how old she is (How old is Sophia??)....it's a lot like pointing, but she throws up one finger every time so we think she gets it....!!
We had even more presents for her to open, just from us, and she had a good time with that. And then I made some cupcakes, with a special one just for her. We gave that to her at exactly 8:30 pm (after she had a veggie for dinner, of course), the time she was born. She loved it. And loved the Minnie plate that I put it on. It was nice celebrating her birthday with just the three of us after the fun and excitement of the big party the previous weekend. I feel like I am still in disbelief that we already have a one year old!!

Here are some pictures of her actual birthday....our little birthday cutie-pie!! Happy Birthday, Sophia!!

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