Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Appliances One Cannot Do Without

So today was an interesting one. We got back yesterday from a long weekend in Cedar Key with Michael's family. It was a fun trip, although the weather wasn't too great, we had a good time. I decided to get Sophia's laundry out of the way when we got home...there was a pretty large pile of it (even though I had done a load on the trip!). We have a full week....both Sophia and I have doc appointments and then have to repack for a weekend trip to Birmingham. I got all her cute little clothes nice and clean with no prob.
Today was my day to get all the laundry for me and Michael done. Guess the dryer had different plans. I just wish it would've given me some kind of sign before I washed two full loads of clothes. Here is what exactly happened.
I realized I couldn't wash all of our dark clothes in one load so I (thankfully) pulled out some things that I didn't think we would need done first which left a still pretty large load full of jeans and shirts and all the undies. Ran the washer. Put that load in the dryer and ran a white load (not quite as big but with some of our white towels in it that we use regularly). After I had showered, got Sophia up from her nap and fed her, I went in to check the first load in the dryer. It wasn't dry, but that wasn't totally unexpected....it usually takes a couple of cycles to get them dry, especially in a large load. A couple of hours later I went back and it still wasn't dry. At all. And I noticed that the clothes weren't just wet, they were cold. UGH! By this time it was nearly 4:30. Sophia was down in her second nap. I texted Michael, 'emergency, our dryer is definitely broken'. I am sure if he did the laundry (or ever wants clean clothes again) he will also consider this to be an emergency.
He actually came home shortly afterwards and had apparently googled the subject at work before coming home. But I made him call my uncle (who is handy with everything, whereas Michael.....well) to find out really what we should do. I also went across the way to our nice neighbor and asked if I could possibly use her dryer for my two wet loads of laundry, one of which has been tossing around in cold air all afternoon. Thankfully it is not her laundry night and she said yes.
I don't think it would be such a bad thing if the washer broke and not the dryer (unless water went everywhere. That would suck.). You wouldn't wash a load like normal and then just be screwed without a drying option. As I was today. And no can do on the line drying....for one, we don't have anywhere to hang a line....and for another thing I am not going to hang my undies out for the neighborhood to see. Plus it's cool and rainy-ish out so they wouldn't dry anyway.
Hopefully we can get a part to fix the heating element that is broken and get our dryer back up and running. Sure, I'd love a new one. But hey, if we can make this one last for 30 years then why don't we just go that route??
(No, that is not really how I feel, that is more an opinion of my husband, but he did promise that when we move out of the condo we will leave this washer/dryer set...whether the dryer works or not.....and I am holding him to that!)
If all goes as planned I will be back to laundry in just a couple days....by then it will be piled up to four more loads instead of the one I would've had left had the stupid dryer just kept working!!

****Update: And just over 24 hours later and the dryer is up and working again! I take back my previous suggestion that my husband might not be that handy...he took apart, tracked down the part we needed and replaced it (correctly, no less) all within a day and only had to send my uncle one picture and talk to him once on the phone....as in, my uncle didn't even have to stop by to help him!!! And it is working great! I did a small load tonight to test it out and we are back in business. I guess my husband is handy with some things after all.****

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