Monday, October 3, 2011

Busy, Busy

Is it October already??!! While warm months are my favorite, I love the fall as well and the cool weather that comes after the very hot days of summer, plus football and Halloween and Thanksgiving are upon us. We have a very busy month (well, two months really) coming up. We are heading to Cedar Key, FL at the end of this week to meet Michael's family and then next weekend we are going to Birmingham to visit my sister, bro-in-law and nephew. The weekend after that I have to work, then Halloween, then November we start off with a day trip to GA Southern for the Homecoming football game, the following weekend I work, and then the trip I am most excited about......we are going to Disney for the week of Thanksgiving!! And each week is full of appointments and laundry (as usual) and things to get done to prepare for each weekend. While I should have a lot of material coming up to blog about, I hope I can find the time to actually sit down and do it!
We are VERY much looking forward to the Disney trip. Typically we go every couple of years and stay at the awesome time share my parents own in Orlando. It will Sophia's very first time visiting Mickey's hometown. She LOVES everything Disney, from Mick and Minnie to the Princesses to Nemo to a lot of the songs featured in Disney movies. She is really going to love it. And mostly, we are going to love seeing her reaction to all things Disney. We are going to take her to Universal as well to visit her other current loves....Barney, Curious George and the Cat in the Hat. Why is Barney so annoying to adults, but SO addictive to babies and kids?? Who knows, but it is the cutest thing in the world when he sings the I Love You song and she leans in for a "great big hug and a kiss from me to you" adorable and she does it every single time she hears the song. Can't hate the goofy purple guy for that!! We also plan to take her to Sea World. She loves fish and dolphins and has done great the couple of times we have taken her to the aquarium. The last time we went there, she even sat through and watched the entire dolphin show (and really saw the dolphins as they jumped and swam through the water!). I think she will really enjoy seeing the whales and dolphins and other cool shows at Sea World and I have always enjoyed going there myself. Going to Orlando is one of my very favorite family trips and I am so excited that this time we have Sophia to join in the family fun.
In the back of my head (and from a lot of people telling me) I know she won't remember going and probably won't really know what is going on. But I know she will be excited at seeing Minnie everywhere....even just going into a store and seeing a book with Minnie on it or a stuffed Mickey Mouse, she points and smiles and makes all kinds of noises of excitement and recognition. I don't really think she will let a life-sized Mickey or Minnie hold her, but I don't think she'll be scared of them. It will probably be overwhelming to her....but I think (hopefully) in a good exciting way. I know we will be taking as many pictures and video as possible so we can document how much fun she had.
Anyway, it seems like with all that is going on for us in the coming months that time is going to fly by and before we know it we will be driving down to the happiest place on earth. Now I just have a million things to do before we are really ready!!!!

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