Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day

(Another post using the internet at my parents house...that's the only way it's going to happen until after Thursday!)
This year for Father's Day I went more low-key on the gift side and decided that we would have a fun day together at the Yellow River Game Ranch.  I have been a LOT of times in my life, my Dad used to take me, and then me and my sister, and then me and my sister and brother.  So I've been quite a bit and really like it.  My Dad even took Sophia her first time, with my brother and Cooper.  But Michael had never been so I thought it would be the perfect fun family day.  Sophia was very excited to 'go see animals'. 
 Cute family pic before heading out
 One shot and I get a good one of Daddy and Soph
 It took several shots to get a good one of Soph and usual!
 Daddy helped Sophia feed a carrot to a deer
 Mommy feeding a goat...Soph came over to investigate from a safe distance :-)
 Then she decided to get brave and give the little goat a cracker all by herself!
 Then she even decided to pet him on the head while I distracted him with some food...she said "nice, nice" as she petted him.  That just means she is supposed to be gentle, haha
 She would NOT get near the sheep (they were baaaa-ing pretty loud)
 Checking out the big buffalo
 Not too sure of her perch way up high on Daddy's shoulders
 Sweet picture of Daddy and his girl walking together down the path
 Then Sophia decided to snack on the crackers herself.  She did keep saying 'for the animals' though...just in case we forgot
 She was very disturbed by her shoes getting dirty
 Then we visited my favorite part...the bunny area!  We found a little bunny and Sophia loved petting him...I totally want to get her one as a pet (and maybe share it with her!!)
 She wanted to share the carrot with the cute little guy....
 ...but he really wasn't hungry at all. 
 So she kept trying to stuff it in his mouth.  Poor little bunny, haha
 Here is Daddy trying to save the bunny from a carrot down its throat
 Finally we convinced her to leave the carrot so he could snack on it later! :-) 
 As we were heading toward the exit, we saw this little deer and decided to give him some corn
 Sophia decided she wanted to help Daddy feed him corn from her hand!
 The deer started to get a little too close, so she backed up.  After that though, she changed her mind and wanted to pet him.  But he had already strolled off.  So we chased him a bit (as she was shouting after the deer that she wanted to 'pet him') but then let him go about his business. 
Sophia kept talking about the deer eating corn out of her hand.  She is showing right where it ate from and said 'it tickled'!!  I think that was her favorite part of the day. 
I can't wait until we take her back, clearly the tradition of the Yellow River Game Ranch is continuing...and I love it!  It was a great Father's Day activity.  I am so thankful that Sophia has such a great Daddy....just like I do.  :-) 

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