Saturday, June 16, 2012

Stupid Comcast

If you're wondering where I have been, blog-wise, for the last week, please refer to the title of this post. 
Our internet is out.  Has been for almost a week.  And, shocker, Comcast has no idea why. 
I realize that there aren't very many options if you want cable and internet.  If I were a millionaire I would start my own cable company and probably put Comcast out of business.  It's not like I've ever heard a lot of positive stories about people dealing with them.  And I sure don't have anything positive to share.  And they don't even care, don't even have to care, because there are almost no alternatives to using them for cable and/or internet. 
When I first moved into my condo six and a half years ago, it took them almost an entire month to get my cable hooked up.  Come to find out, they were trying to hook my tv up to an old dish outlet.  Ugh.  And during that time, they never once showed up in the window of time (like a three hour window, no less) that they told me they would.  Once or twice, they never showed up at all.  And so I went without tv for a month.  Not at all by my choice. 
Once they finally got their heads out of you-know-where and got it set up, I have still had several other problems with them since then.  Also, my maiden last name is still on my bill, despite being married for three and a half years now.  Care to ask why??  Well, when I was changing my last name on my other bills and credit cards and stuff (super easy, by the way....some just took my verbal, over the phone change, others I merely had to fax a form to change it), Comcast informed me that I would have to show up, in person, at their office with a copy of my marriage license to make any change.  It was practically easier to change my drivers license and social security card.  Especially since I was not ever able to show up at their office during business hours (and did not deem the visit worth the time I would've had to take off of work).  They wouldn't even accept a fax or letter or anything.  We are talking about a cable bill, not a credit card or some other major bill.  That is pretty much the stupidest thing I have ever heard and therefore, my maiden name shall remain on my cable bill until, by some miracle, I can cancel with them. 
Another time, we were having a problem with our cable.  After waiting on hold for an ungodly number of minutes, we explained the problem to the tech on the phone and specifically said that we had shows on our DVR that we DID NOT want to lose, so if a tech had to come out to check the problem we would prefer that.  And the tech then proceeded to reset our DVR, losing all of our saved shows.....and the tech had to come out anyway.  I'm still annoyed by that. 
And here we are, most recently, with internet that doesn't work.  And of course they can't get a tech out to work on it until Thursday of next week.  And I will have to sit around for three hours waiting on someone to come into my home and try to fix it.  NOT looking forward to that. 
It is always something with Comcast.  And we really don't have anything to change to....AT&T Uverse isn't our area (although it is in the neighborhood pretty much across the street from us...figure that one out) and when we tried to get Dish, we were told by the Homeowners Association that we weren't allowed to put a dish on the roof unless we wanted to assume all liability if anything ever happened to the roof.  Which we don't.  Even though we could actually see other dishes on top of other buildings in the complex.  Apparently they were all going to be told to take down those dishes.  Yeah, right.  So we are pretty much stuck with Comcast.  And I am NOT happy about it. 
So, here I am, at my parents' house using their internet, just to do a blog.  (Ok, I'm not just here for that, but it's the only place I can do it) And there a dozen things each day that I need the internet for, but clearly won't be able to fully do until they fix the stupid problem.  At least I can be thankful for my iPhone and Apple and the 3G I'm not totally out of luck, internet-wise! 
Well, there was my rant for now.  I will NEVER try to convince someone to switch to Comcast, if per chance they have some other cable option.  Although odds are they stuck in my same other option than Comcast, dealing with bad service, bad customer service, and a crappy company all around.  I wouldn't wish Comcast on an enemy. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello there!

    My sincere apologies for the troubles experienced with Comcast.

    I work for Comcast and I would like to assist in making sure that your concerns are addressed. Please feel free to contact me at that address provided below. Please include your info and a link to this page for reference.


    Mark Casem
    Comcast Corp.
    National Customer Operations
