Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Major Migraines

Since I was about 11 years old, I have had the curse of getting migraines instead of just regular old headaches. I don't know if they are a hereditary thing....but my Mom got them when she was younger (they stopped when she had me) and she said that her dad got them as well. I really hope that I don't pass these awful things down to my sweet Sophia....but it kinda looks like she might be doomed.
If you don't suffer from these killer headaches here are some things you might find interesting about them....
1. They generally only occur on one side of the head/face.
2. They give you an extreme aversion to light, noise, movement.
3. It feels like someone is stabbing your temple and eye out with a knife.....oddly, I feel like if I stabbed my temple or eye with a knife during a migraine, it would feel much better.
4. Sometimes sleep is the only way to get rid of one.
5. If you don't get rid of one with medicine or sleep, you can end up throwing up.
I have had some pretty horrible migraines in my day. Some I can clearly remember, no matter how long ago it was. For example, when I was maybe 11, I had a migraine when my sister and I had a babysitter....I had a small (ahem) problem swallowing pills so I couldn't take the medicine that had been I ended up puking right in the sink. I'm not sure she baby sat us much after that.
I think when I was maybe 12, my aunt got married and I was a flower girl in the wedding. Unfortunately I had a migraine that day. I made it through the ceremony....but as I sat on an uncle's lap at the reception....I barfed all over the floor in front of the entire room. Ugh.
Once, I was working at the Dome at a football game and a migraine hit me. I didn't get a chance to take anything (game days were SO busy) and by the time I was able to leave that night, I felt totally horrible. I was stuck in game traffic trying to get home....the headlights of the other cars were killing me and I felt nauseous and by the time I was getting home, my arms were almost numb and I could barely get in the house. I have no idea how I drove home that night, but I made it.
Another more embarrassing time, I was with Michael and his family at the beach for a wedding of a friend of his family....we hadn't been dating all that long and this was probably only the second or third time I had spent time with his family....and at the wedding I got a migraine. It was so hot and loud and bright at the reception....normally a fun time....but I had to go off somewhere to find a dark spot until everyone was ready to go home...and by then I felt SO sick. It took sheer will power to not throw up in their car. I made it back but was still mortified.
These are just a few instances of what I have been dealing with. Sometimes I can just take some Excedrin and it will go away. I had hoped that, as it was with my Mom, when I got pregnant they would completely go away. Not the case. I did only have maybe one or two early in my second trimester but then they didn't come back until after Sophia was born.
And things have seemingly gotten worse lately, as far as the migraines are concerned. Medicine is not working.....not over the counter or prescription (I have a prescription from the couple I had when I was pregnant....maybe it's not strong enough if it was ok to take while pregnant?)....and the other night sleep didn't even help, as I woke up with the same migraine I went to bed with. And they are getting stronger, faster. For example, usually it is a gradual increase in pain and sensitivity.....maybe a couple hours before I am dying if I don't take anything. The last one I had, I took 3 Excedrin PM's within half an hour of feeling the headache coming on...and within another hour I literally felt SO bad and the medicine hadn't done anything. I ended up throwing up, something that hasn't happened in a VERY long time. They are getting worse and I don't know why or how to make them stop.
Over the years of my 'relationship' with migraines I have tried different things to get them to stop. Before I could really do the whole pill thing, I saw a doctor who taught biofeedback techniques to try and relieve the pain of migraines. Not so helpful, in the long run. I seen doctors that have suggested eating different things, eliminating certain foods, taking more of certain vitamins....I've heard lavender is helpful to use against migraines so I've put lavender oil on washcloths....pressure points.....different medications.....nothing is working at this point and I am really frustrated.
Michael found a neurologist under our insurance plan that is a family neurologist that deals with migraines....for kids and adults. I have an appointment in a couple weeks and if nothing else, I hope this doctor is able to give me a strong enough prescription to get rid of my headaches and then we can maybe try to figure out where they are coming from. If I had to give myself a shot right in the butt at the onset of every migraine, I would do it happily, just whatever has to be done. I hope that we never have to deal with this with Sophia but if we do, maybe this doctor can be a good family doctor to have concerning this topic.
So everyone keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer that 1) Sophia doesn't have to ever deal with migraines and 2) that this new doc will find just the right thing to keep my migraines away!! And if anyone reading has had any success with getting rid of migraines, please, let me know what you do....I'll try anything!

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