Guess I haven't been too great about blogging lately. Must be because I was trying to pack us up for a week in the happiest place on Earth!!! Which includes ridiculous amounts of laundry, a million trips to Target to pick up things we really probably don't need but are so much better in a 'travel size', and trying to plan out what to wear in any weather situation for both myself and my child. Now that we are back, it will probably take me all week to catch up on blogging on the fun events of our trip due to ridiculous amounts of laundry, unpacking the suitcases that are still full of clothes that didn't get worn and generally getting back into our routine.
To sum up the trip, it was pretty awesome. We probably jam packed a bit much for Sophia's first trip there, but she did great. A quick break down of our week.....Sunday, Epcot. Monday, Islands of Adventure. Tuesday was a 'rest' day....we played at the pool, had a nice dinner out and went to the Disney village. Wednesday, Magic Kingdom. Thursday, Thanksgiving, we spent the morning and early afternoon at Universal. Friday, Sea World. Saturday, we left Orlando and headed to Leesburg to see Michael's family. And finally this morning, we got up super early and drove home. I am exhausted typing it out. But my legs finally stopped being sore from all the walking we did all week. And my arms and back from alternately holding Sophia and our packed-with-everything-imaginable backpack. At least Michael and I got to take turns, so the soreness was pretty evenly distributed.
Sophia also loved the condo where we stayed. Huge thanks to my parents for letting us stay in the big place. Although I think Sophia looked around when we got home and was seriously disappointed at the size of our actual home. Haha. Just kidding. Well, sort of. The place was enormous and she really loved chasing Cooper and Grammy and whoever else around. Actually thanks to my parents for the entire trip in general, they definitely know how to spoil all of us. I sure wasn't super excited about coming home after such a fun week.
Some interesting tidbits about the week. Sophia is not a fan of characters. She loves them from afar. But get close and she will cling and whine and shake her head and point in the other in, get outta here. You can tell that she is scared and wants nothing to do with them, but is conflicted as soon as she gets far enough away. We aren't sure if this holds true for the princess type characters, as we didn't get close to any of them. But Barney and Cat in the Hat and Winnie the Pooh did NOT make the cut for her.
Another weird fact....I cannot bring myself to use the bathrooms at Disney....any of the parks, really. Obviously I had to change Sophia and I went in to do this at Epcot a couple times....but just looking at what I had to lay her on made me think of all the millions of other babies that had been on there.....yuck. I found a much easier and more sanitary system in using my stroller.....I would just park it in a quiet corner and lay the seat down and quickly change her before anyone even knew what I was doing. I have no idea when I became such a germaphobe. As for my own bathroom issues.....well, thankfully I have a pretty strong bladder. I just held it. Simple solution. I did go in to one with the intentions of putting on my long sleeve shirt and maybe going....but I just changed my shirt and was out of there. Who knows what kind of damage I am doing to myself internally, but externally I am sure not causing myself any problems!! I used quite a lot of hand sanitizer over the week as well. And rubbed some into Sophia's hands too, that girl touches everything!!
We had a really good, fun and exhausting week. No matter how tired I felt at the time, I still am always sad when it is over. I already can't wait until we can bring Sophia back.
Lots and lots of posts to come with many many pictures....I will try to break it up by days so none of the posts are too long. :-)