Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aquarium with Family

While we had out of town family visiting, we headed down to visit the GA Aquarium.  Michael had to work so he couldn't come with us, but everyone else was able to go, including my sister and her family, my parents, my brother, two aunts, an uncle, two cousins, a cousin in law, and their child.  :-)  So we had a big crew! 
We've taken Sophia to the aquarium a couple other times so I didn't take a ton of pictures.  And after a while, I got tired of taking out my camera, haha.  Plus I knew my Dad and sister would take a ton of good ones.  Here are some of mine....
Sophia stuck to both of her uncles like glue, haha.  Either Uncle Jay or Uncle Dillon was holding her hand or just plain holding her half the time. 
 This pic turned out kinda fuzzy of me and my bro...but I still love it!! :-)
 Best buds!! 
 Soph stuck to Grampa pretty close too. 
 Mommy was NOT going in that tiny Sophia dragged Uncle Dillon in there with her!! :-)
 Having a little rest on a bench with Grammy
Sophia also liked to hold my cousin Katie's hand.  Her son Jack is just a couple months older than Sophia.  They both played pretty well together.  He never said it, but I think Jack thought Sophia talked too much...a couple times it looked like he wanted to tell her to clam it up!! ;-) 
Sophia LOVED the giant glass wall where you can see all the fish and the whale sharks.  She sat with my Dad there for a loooongg time and just stared and pointed at the fish as they swam by. 
Sophia tried to make friends with this random little girl.  I didn't hear what the girl said (if anything) but I heard Sophia say "I'm Sophia, what's your name?"  Then she spelled her name for her, just in case the girl wasn't paying close enough attention, haha.  And spelling your name in a strangers face is the best way to make friends, right?!
Aunt Sara/Ow Ow couldn't handle Sophia's messy hair any can totally tell Sophia is willing to risk her hair getting pulled out just to get away, ha!!
She loved this wall with all the colorful fish. 
After the aquarium, we went to the World of Coke museum.  I didn't take any pics there because Sophia was pretty tired and I held her most of the time.  Then Michael came down and met us at the CNN center for dinner.  After that, we found our bricks (Sara, Dillon and I all have one) in Centennial Park and the other kids (not mine, she didn't want to get wet...I'm so glad) played in the fountains and we called it a day.  :-)  

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