Monday, December 5, 2011

Magic Kingdom, Trip Day 4

On Wednesday, we had the most exciting plan....Magic Kingdom! Sophia was very excited about seeing Mickey and Minnie and there were lots and lots of rides at this park that she could ride on. We got there before the park opened so we were able to see the train pull up with the characters on board....and she was SO excited when she saw Mickey Mouse. I caught a good picture of her cute expression when she got a good look at him. :-) We pretty much ran back to Fantasy land as soon as we got in (after taking a few pics in front of Cinderella castle). The wait times were short so we jumped right on some of the rides....Snow White and It's a Small World. Sophia loved them both. I thought she might be scared of Snow White (Coop was terrified the last time we went....although the thought still makes me Dad sat him right up front and didn't even hold him on his lap, poor little guy!) but she really liked the dwarfs and said 'apple' every time she saw one, haha. Maybe she was just too little to be scared, or maybe it was going to quickly for her to be scared and she was just trying to take in the things she recognized, like Snow White and the dwarfs and the apple? Either way, no trauma there. And she LOVED Small World. We have been singing the song to her as we change her diaper for a couple weeks now so for it to be playing over and over as we rode a boat with lots of lights and colors and dancing dolls all over the, yeah, she sort of was in heaven. We really didn't take her on any rides that she didn't like the whole day. She was so tired that by lunch time she fell right to sleep in her stroller. But we realized there was a street parade type thing going on so we rushed out to catch the end of it....and stopped right by Minnie Mouse! She woke up quick and was dancing her little butt off in her stroller, she was SO happy and excited to see Minnie so close and she loved the music.
After that we did a few more rides and then headed back (just like we had done on our Epcot day) for naps. When we got back, we had the plan of hitting up some more rides (including Pirates and the Jungle Cruise) and then picking out a good spot for the lights parade. Sophia LOVES parades!! She got the most excited when she saw Snow White and the dwarf crew, but she really loved all of it. She practically waved her little hand off. When the parade was over we decided to ride the Haunted Mansion ride. Probably a mistake. Cooper flat out hated it. Sophia was exhausted by then. And the cast member who loaded us into our cart...well, when I asked if Michael, Dillon and I would fit in one car (with Sophia on my lap, of course), he just barely acknowledged us and said sure that is fine. Um, no. It was NOT fine! First, we were crammed like sardines. I had to put Sophia on top of the lap bar after it lowered onto our laps. Then, we forgot to mention our other passenger, our fricken child-sized backpack, that took up a lot of room as well. I was stuck in the middle of Dillon and Michael, with Sophia on my lap (on top of the lap bar), and it was very claustrophobic. Sophia didn't seem to mind at all, she fell asleep almost right away. Then the ride totally stopped! I very nearly freaked out. I am just not good in tight spaces anymore and this was way more than just a tight space. We were able to move the backpack and adjust a little bit so that I could get a little tiny bit of air but mostly I was just trying to remain as calm as possible. Finally it started back and we were able to finish the ride and get off the thing. We figured it was time to call it a night. After that, we had to wait forever to get a ferry back to the parking lot...and the line to the ferry was actually shorter than the line to the was ridiculous. Probably the longest line we had waited in the whole day. Everyone was pretty exhausted by the time we finally made it back, but we had a very full and very fun day at the Magic Kingdom. I can't wait to take Sophia back so we can experience her excitement all over again. :-)

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