When we were done, Sophia was also done with her nap so we got her up and brought her out to show her the tree....and she loved it! And she immediately wanted to touch every. single. ornament. Not that we were surprised. We have quite a few Disney ornaments and she pointed out (while trying to pull each one off) all of them. And Home Depot will get a glowing letter from me for actually selling shatterproof ornaments like they say that they do....and we only know because one ball (which we thought was high enough and back far enough in the branches...it was not) did not escape the clutches of Sophia....she said ball when she grabbed it...and then proceeded to throw it on our hard wood floor, apparently to see if it would bounce. It did not. But it also did not shatter into a million pieces, so good job Home Depot!
Every day I have to watch her like a hawk because she tries to pull her favorite ornaments off the tree (Mickey and Minnie, a few that look like little dolls, and a cupcake that she keeps calling an apple). And every day I have to chase her down and wrestle one of the ornaments out her her hands. She is a pretty strong girl. I think she enjoys the chase. :-)
As for our other decorations....well, she has broken the head off a poor gingerbread girl twice, the hat off a gingerbread boy once, and is pretty much terrorizing a cute little snowman I have by the door. And she tried to walk off with a small lit house once that was plugged into the wall. Other than that, we are doing great!! She is very much enjoying the Christmas season and we are enjoying seeing how much she loves it! :-)
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