Friday, March 16, 2012

It's Friday!

Obviously.  Anyone with a calendar knows that.  Sure, I don't always know exactly what day I am on without consulting a calendar, but whatever.  Since my husband made fun of me the last (and only) time I did a Friday Five post, I decided not to call it that.  But that is essentially exactly what this is. 
(Oh and if you are wondering why he made fun of me, join the club.  He says it's because soooo many blogs do that.  But he really doesn't read sooo many blogs, so I'm not sure how he knows that in the first place.  He wants me to be original, I guess.  Sure, fine.  So I changed the name.  But I really like the concept of just putting x amount of random things and it is my blog so I can do what I want, right?  When he decides to be a guest blogger on here he can make it as catchy and original as he wants!!)

1.  Sophia and I are spending almost a week with my brother while my parents are in Washington DC.  Poor Michael has to work still so he is staying at our house.  Soph and I plan to takes walks in the morning and go to the park that is close by...we are going to live it up at my parents' house.  We won't have to listen to dogs barking at all hours and people walking overhead at even crazier hours.  It will probably be awesome.  We can even just play in their giant yard and run and blow bubbles...I am going to tire her out so much every day, it really is going to be awesome! 

2.  Sophia is apparently, according to the doctor, getting her eye teeth in.  This sucks.  She is crabbier than usual, droolier than usual, and eating weirder than usual.  Also, it is taking them forever to come in.  One seems to be breaking the surface, but the other is taking its sweet time.  :-(

3.  I need new summer clothes.  The stuff from last summer is too big.  The stuff from the summer before is maternity.  The stuff from the summer before that should be about the right size, but fits weird,  and doesn't look or feel good.  Ugh.  Oh yeah and we didn't win the lottery so I can't go on a shopping spree.  AND it's already hot.....I definitely have a dilemma. 

4. I am reading a very interesting book right now called "Bringing Up Bebe"'s about an American mother living in Paris and learning about French parenting.  I am sure that once I finish it I will probably do an entire post about it, it really is very interesting the differences the author is finding between American and French parents.  These days I don't always get to read as much as I'd like, but reading is something I have always enjoyed and will continue to do as much of as I possibly can. 

5. Sophia went ALL day Wednesday without a nap.  And was a GREAT girl.  I couldn't believe it.  She woke up around 9am and we got ready, had breakfast and then headed over to my parents' house.  She ran all over the place while I was trying to help my Mom pack for her trip, totally got into everything, but didn't fuss at all and besides making the house look like a tornado went through, really didn't have a single tantrum.  Then we went out to dinner and she ate pretty well, sat in her seat through the meal, until my Dad got her out to walk her around while my Mom paid the bill.  Total angel.  We went to DSW after that and she ran around while my Dad chased after her and she had a blast while my Mom and I tried on shoes in relative peace.  Then back at the house she was still good, no tantrums.  I don't think we left until 9....and she fell asleep in the car before we even got out of the neighborhood.  Not once has there been a day that she hasn't had even a small catnap, but this was a first and she could not have been a better girl. I'm so proud of my big girl!  Not that we will repeat that any time soon, but I am glad that she can be so flexible and still behave well, even in public!    

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