Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Streak is Over

I realize that once I type this out it is probably going to sound a lot more ridiculous than it is...but oh well.  It mostly just points out that I probably have the best husband ever who will do anything for me...and who also likes to keep ridiculous streaks going just like his wife does, haha.   
Yesterday Sophia and I spent most of the day at my parents' house.  My Dad got home early and him and my Mom and Soph and I went to eat dinner, did a little shopping and then stopped to get my brother something to eat on our way back (since he didn't come with us).  While my Dad was getting Dillon's sandwich he said that I should pull over to the gas station that was right there and fill my car up, on him.  So I did (can't turn down free gas!).  Thus ending the year and a half plus streak of my not pumping gas!!  Yup, just as I suspected, pretty ridiculous in writing.  But it's actually a pretty impressive streak.  We have had our MDX a little over a year and a half (we got it a few weeks before Sophia was born) and I have never once put gas in it.  I wasn't even totally sure which side the gas tank was on.  (I guessed correctly)  And the tank wasn't even totally empty but I nearly died when I saw how much it cost to fill it.  Thankfully I don't drive that much so we (and I guess when I say we, I mean Michael, haha) probably only have to fill it like twice a month.  Once, when just Sophia and I went to visit my sister and brother in law in Alabama, I sent my brother in law with my gas card to fill up for me so I wouldn't break the streak! 
I actually think the 'streak' started innocently enough when I was pregnant...I was pumping gas after work and the pump handle thing leaked all over my hand....I told the cashier about it and he was like, oh, yeah, that one is broken.  But there was no sign on it or anything and he didn't even put one on there after I told him!  I was visibly pregnant and that jerk just shrugged when I asked him how I was supposed to get the gas off my hands.  Michael and I had to google a ton of different ways to get the smell off my hands (ironically, I think vodka was the one that worked the best), I was so worried that the fumes from the gas were going to hurt my unborn baby, not to mention the headache I was getting was major. After that incident, Michael offered to go and fill my tank a lot more so I wouldn't have to, presumably to avoid similar situations.  What a sweet guy, right?!  Once Sophia came along, he decided that maybe I shouldn't bring a tiny newborn to a gas station, especially if it was dark out or something, so he would just go fill it up for me.  So protective, just looking out for his family!  And then, when the reasons ran out, it just seemed like it became his job, like taking out the trash or something, haha.  And we both sort of just thought the 'streak' was funny.  Sure, a nice winning streak at the poker tables in Vegas would be much more fun and profitable for us....but since that isn't going to happen, we will just take what we can get!! 
Well, now since it's broken, I guess I can just fill my own tank any time it's needed.  I mean, unless my husband happens to be heading to the gas station and wants to do it for me..... ;-) 

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank goodness!! I'm so glad that streak of ridiculousness is over. Way to go, Dad!
