Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Swimming Lessons Take 2

For our second swimming lesson, the teacher moved the lesson to later in the day.  Fine with us, we don't have much going on anyway.  When we got to the Y, almost no one was there.  And even less people were in the pool.  And it looked like we were going to get a private lesson.  Thankfully the teacher showed up.  Finally one other kid showed up too and we got the thing going.  Michael was Sophia's swimming buddy for the day and I did the picture taking.  As the photographer, the conditions in the pool area weren't great for pictures I must say.  I ended up going with "underwater scenery" on our camera because nothing else seemed to work better. 

As far as the lessons went this time, I think Sophia did better in some ways and ok in some others.  The teacher was way more involved personally with her, which I think worked out great.  She took Sophia right from Michael a lot, which I think helped out in that Sophia wasn't so clingy the whole lesson.  Well, she was with Michael, but not with the teacher!

Since there was only one other baby in the class, the one on one attention was great.  It really was more like a private lesson and the teacher spent the time with Sophia showing her each 'skill' and making sure that she got it, then going to the other baby, and then moving on to the next thing.  Last week, we kind of just breezed through some things and I was pretty sure Soph didn't have the grasp but the group had moved on so Soph and I moved on too. 

Sophia seemed more interested in some of the things this week, like the toy retrieval task, and she did a lot better, especially when she was being held by the teacher.  Actually, she did exactly what the teacher wanted her to do when being held by her, and then Michael would hold her and try to get her to do the same and she would cling to his shoulder...it was kind of funny.  :-)  But I think she did a lot better this week.  Although not really with the floating, guess she loves to float with her mommy!!

She even did a little better this time on the wall, they still had to pull her in to the water, she wasn't voluntarily jumping in, but she did pretty much climb out on her own this time. 

Such a cute little tushie!!  We still didn't make it through the whole class, poor girl was freezing so with about ten minutes to go, she had to get out.  The other little girl didn't even make it as long as Sophia!!  Hello, Y, your pool is too cold!! 

With only two lessons left we will definitely have to sign up for more, but the next set have two a week for four weeks so hopefully she will learn more...and maybe even break a smile!!!  :-) 

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