Friday, December 10, 2010

The Friday Five

I have seen some other fellow bloggers do this and thought I might do the same, if nothing more than to make sure I at least post one blog a week! Basically it is just five completely random items that have to do with me, my family, my life, my week....just whatever! So, here we go.

1. Sophia HATES tummy time. We put her on her tummy a few times a day and she puts her head up for like 3 seconds and then gets mad and smashes her face into whatever we have put her face down on. So, we know she can do it, she is just stubborn and dislikes it immensely. Not sure yet how to fix that problem!!
2. Michael had his last class of grad school on Wednesday. I am SO SO happy about that. Not only will he now have an MBA, he will be able to stay home with us every night and we can do normal family things together.
3. We are going to Michael's work Christmas party tomorrow night. I have attended it every year (except last year) since 1996. And that is not necessarily a good thing. At least the last several times haven't ended with any throwing up, haha.
4. In relation to item #3, I have to actually put on a nice, normal, non-maternity party dress. Ugh. Even though the scale says I am finally the same weight as before I got pregnant with Sophia, the mirror says gross, go get a personal trainer or liposuction...or both! Ugh. Needless to say, the dress is black.
5. Despite items 3 and 4, I am actually in the Christmas spirit and excited for the holiday. The last couple of years I was so busy with working extra hours (in retail) and so tired that I didn't even decorate....this year we have a real tree and lots of decorations and plans to make cookies and a gingerbread house. Oh yeah, and we have Sophia! I think that even though she won't know what is going on and won't even remember it, I want to make her first Christmas really special. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel about the mirror. It is a cruel thing that pregnancy does to the body. It is worth it in the end to have such a precious gift, but wow I would love to have a flat stomach again. Hmmm, maybe someday with the help of a surgeon:)
