Thursday, December 16, 2010

What a Weird Question

Lately I feel like I have been blogging about those who annoy me or get on my nerves or do downright stupid things, etc. Either I am getting too touchy about things or just need a good long break from reality (not going to happen so it's probably the touchiness that is the issue).
I had to go into work a few days ago and thankfully I have a great boss who doesn't mind if I bring Sophia with me. She was a really good baby on this particular day and just stayed asleep in her carrier almost the whole time. But the carrier is near me at the desk so all the customers can see her......not something I mind at all (showing off my little cutie!)....until I start to get the weird questions. Sure, a lot of the questions are typical (whose baby? how old? what's her name? is she your first?).....but one older couple that came in actually asked me this weird question and oddly, they were not the first to ask it of me....."When are you planning on having another?"
I answered with my standard "Not for a while" line but after the fact (and for the past couple of days) I have been thinking about what a strange question that is and why in the world do so many people ask it. This particular couple doesn't even know me (or my husband) so why do they care when and how many kids I have? Why does anyone else (besides me or my husband) really care so much about this topic? Is it just something to say when they can't think of anything else? It is seriously annoying since there is absolutely nothing wrong with the adorable 3 month old baby that we have now and this question over and over makes me think maybe she was a good try but we need to keep trying for that "perfect" baby or something like that.
I have started to think of some good remarks to the next people that dare to ask me this question.....
1. We only live in a 2 bedroom condo so we don't have room for any more kids. Sure, they may think we are poor but that should leave them feeling a little uncomfortable.
2. We don't make enough money yet to support another baby....we barely make enough to support this one and the two of us! Again, that should get them squirming a bit.
3. There is nothing wrong with the little baby we have so until there is we won't try for another. And no, we don't ever want anything to be wrong with her. She is perfect and always will be.
4. Is our reproductive schedule your business?? Nope, didn't think so. This one is a little rude and snarky so I'll probably just say that one in my head.
5. We aren't trying to compete with the Duggars so we'll have another when we feel like it. Hopefully I won't have to go into who the Duggars are since that will weaken my comeback quite a bit.
All that being said, if I really thought about the question, I don't know when we will plan to add another baby to our family. I feel like I love the one we have SO much and we are getting to know her and love her more every day that I can't imagine having to split that love between more kids. But I would definitely like to have more kids and I know I will end up loving them just as much. Just right now my whole life is about Sophia and I am fine with that. Plus there is some truth to some of my snotty comebacks....we would need a bigger living space and more income to support a larger family. Which I know those things will come as time. So everyone (family, friends, and strangers alike) can just relax....we'll have more kids but it won't be anytime too soon and we will let you know when it happens for sure.....just don't ask me that question for at least a couple years!!!!

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