Thursday, December 30, 2010

Week in Review

I haven't had much time to blog lately with all the holiday festivities so it's more like a couple weeks in review, just to catch everyone up before the year comes to an end.
Towards the beginning of last week, my brother spent the night here and we made a big mess and made some Christmas was a lot of fun decorating them....not so much cleaning up! I wrapped a ton of presents and thankfully everything that we ordered online made it here in plenty of time.
The night before Christmas Eve we got a little present from Sophia...she rolled over for the first time!! As I've said before, she really dislikes tummy time so when we put her on her belly we were surprised that she was really up high on her arms and looking pretty crying or whining at all! Then all the of the sudden she just rolled right over!! Michael and I both were there and saw it and started cheering really loud....and we scared the crap out of poor Sophia, who had no idea what the heck was going on, haha.
Christmas Eve we went to mass and Sophia was a really good girl. After that we packed our SUV to the hilt and drove over to have Christmas Eve dinner at my Aunt Robin's house. Then we got Sophia in her cute Christmas pj's and spent the night at my parents house.
Christmas Day was really sister, bro-in-law and nephew came and we opened up lots of wonderful gifts....Sophia sat in my lap and watched cousin Cooper but didn't really partake in the festivities....and eventually fell asleep. She was a good baby the whole day, while we had a delicious meal and lots of family and friends over. It was a very nice first Christmas for her, not that I think she'll really remember it!
We mostly relaxed the day after Christmas....tried out some of our presents...including the Michael Jackson dance game for the was hilarious, what a seriously fun game.
On Monday, my mom, sister, Sophia and I spent the better part of the day at Lenox Mall. It was packed. But Sophia slept most of the time we were there and we found some good buys.
Tuesday we had planned to go to the GA Aquarium but we got a late start and it was really crowded downtown. We ended up strolling around Atlantic was chilly, but not too cold and we warmed up with some hot chocolate.
Today was kind of a lazy day...although I spent the day doing laundry and getting together our stuff since we are heading down to FL to visit with Michael's family for a few days tomorrow morning. Hopefully Sophia will be as good on the long drive as she was the last time.
I can't believe the year is over. It has been such a great year, the best part being the addition of our sweet little Sophia Rose to our family. I am excited, interested, intrigued to see what 2011 holds for us!

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