Sunday, January 15, 2012

Christmas Morning, Our House

This year we woke up at our house on Christmas morning. Usually we stay our my parents' house but with the fact that we were traveling back from FL on Christmas Eve and everything we decided that it would be easier to just wake up at our own house, get the Santa stuff done and then go over to their house. We didn't get much sleep because there was 'some' assembly required on a few of Sophia's gifts. Plus we weren't sure how long it would take for her to open and play with the gifts when she saw them and we didn't want to just make her leave them as soon as she got them, so we planned on a very early morning. So we were tired, but excited.

Santa came to our house!!

Overflowing stockings!!

Why are you guys waking me up so early?

Sophia was super excited to see her new kitchen. She immediately had to try out the phone. Apparently this is a very important piece to any kitchen set. :-)

Such a happy girl on Christmas morning!

Mommy, I am in the middle of an important call!! I think she held on to the phone throughout most of her present opening.

She was SO excited when she saw both Minnie Mouse and Ariel peeking out of her stocking. I hope Michael got a good video of it (since we still haven't watched the footage) cause it was adorable.

Even though it took a loooong time for her to open everything, she had a blast and after a couple of hours we realized she must've been pretty hungry, haha. But she really was most interested in playing with all her new toys. I was glad that we were able to bring some of them over to my parents' house (although not too many, as I knew she would get some things there as well) for her to continue playing with.

Michael and I had a great Christmas as well, as far as the gift giving went. We both got each other watches (he got me a Michael Kors watch, which I have wanted for practically ever!) and he got me a Coach purse (I may have picked it out, haha) and I got him a personalized bag for his golf shoes (which I knew that my parents were getting him new golf shoes) and I gave him money for him to go and get his new iphone. We also got each other some other great things as well, it really was a great Christmas for the Santoro household all around! I am so thankful for my husband, who is wonderful, and for my precious daughter, who makes me so happy. :-)

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