Sunday, January 8, 2012

Blog Resolutions

Well, here it is, the start of the second week of the new year. I can't believe that another year is already here. I guess it felt like time flew by, but having a child really does make it feel like it goes by that much faster.
And pretty much almost an entire month has gone by since I have last posted on here. Ugh. And it has been busy too, not just a quiet month with nothing to say. So I clearly have a lot of catching up to do. A little holiday known as Christmas, Sophia's second, happened in those weeks that have passed by in my blog silence. That in itself will need to be several posts as we traveled to Florida to visit with Michael's side of the family and spent time with my side of the family as well as doing some things with just the three of us.
And there is another event that I really do want to post about, but haven't yet, because I still just don't know how to quite put it all in words. Even after reading so many others putting it down in words so perfectly. But I will figure out how to get the words out.
Which brings me to the very point of this resolution for this very blog for the new year. I will really try so much harder to keep the blog more updated and current. Or at least visit the blog more often. Maybe post at least once or twice a week? I know that blogs can be set up in even if I have to stay up really late scheduling a weeks worth then maybe that is just what I will have to do to keep this 'ol thing going. Now, as far as my blog issues with pictures go. Ugh. This will take some major patience on my part. An entirely different resolution altogether. But I will at least make the attempt to not throw the computer out the window at the first sign of blogger rebelling against my wishes to post a ton of pictures. I will try hard to grit my teeth and solve the problem the best way I can and hopefully at least post a few good pics to please the masses (ha) who want images to go along with text.
I can do this! Plus, my favorite blogs to read are the ones that post often.....great role models for the blogging world! And I at least have so many topics that I want to blog about....catching up our holiday activities, what I hope the new year brings (maybe including some actual resolutions), and most importantly I want to blog about a precious baby girl who was born and lived only 5 short days....but changed the way that I have been looking at almost everything around me.
I know this isn't the most difficult or life changing resolution to have....keep up with my blog....but for now, I think I can easily manage it and it won't be one of those things that gets dumped by the wayside after a month (example of resolutions past.....go to the gym every day. Ha. Not sure that one lasted a whole week). I'm not actually doing this to gain a ton of readers or anything.....but for the few that actually do follow....guess you'll actually find something new to read when you check this thing!! Happy New Year!!

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