Thursday, September 27, 2012

First Day of School....Ever!!

On Tuesday, September 11, 2012
my sweet Sophia had her very first day of school ever.  She is in Mrs. Dwayna's three day a week 2 year old class at St. Lawrence Preschool.  And she was SO excited for it. 
I happen to be a three day a week 2 year old teacher at the it was my official first day as well.  I might have been a little less excited and a bit more nervous, haha. 
Michael decided to go in to work late and accompanied us on our very first days (and to be the photographer). 
I will say I have had some mixed emotions regarding my daughter starting school.  She just turned two.  Technically she probably doesn't need to be in school until maybe next year.  But.  She is definitely ready to be around other kids, if nothing else.  And so, since I agreed to teach the other two year old class, even though her birthday falls after the cut off date, she is able to join the preschool.  Is my little tiny girl old enough to start school????  Yeah,..she really isn't my little tiny girl anymore...she is very quickly becoming my big girl!  Even if I am not ready for her big life milestones, she is ready and is going to hit those milestones with or without me.  And I would also say that maybe I was a little more sad about the big event because I wasn't able to give as much attention to the fact that it was the first day for her because it was also my first day as a teacher. 
But the first day (for Sophia, definitely) went great.  She didn't cry at all (me either, haha) and was completely fine when we left her off in her classroom.  And her note in her folder at the end of the day said that she did great, really fit right in with the class.  She even said she had a fun day and that she did want to go back.  :-)
Here are the pictures that we took that morning....
 All ready to go to school!
 Having a good breakfast to start the day.
 With her Daddy.  :-)
And with Mommy...also ready for the first day!
 She is not actually wearing her backpack...she just didn't want we leaned her up against it!
 Cute girl!
 Walking in with Mommy. 
 She looks like she is thinking 'am I really going to do this?!'
Yup, we're going in!!
 Making herself at home in her classroom and checking out the toys. 
Rearranging some couch cushions!
 And settling in with a good book. 
I really don't even think she knew we were still in there.  So we quietly slipped out. 
I know there will be many more first days of school...but never the very first day ever!  I think it was a good day (for both of us, even though mine was fairly stressful and busy) and now we have hit yet another big day in the life of our sweet girl!  I'm so proud of her (and a little bit of myself for not crying, ha) and how grown up she is becoming.  We are looking forward to a great school year!

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