Friday, April 30, 2010

Dream Weaver

Wow, so two posts in one day! I was thinking of just combining this topic with my other one...but they were just too different so I thought I would just post twice.
Lately I have been having some terrible dreams. Not sure if this can be attributed to the pregnancy (I have heard that dreams are more vivid and frequent while pregnant) or what but it is getting to be a bother, sleepwise. As if I need more problems in that area, I am starting to get uncomfortable in some of my more well liked positions and getting up anywhere from 1-3 times a night to go to the bathroom. The bathroom thing alone is really annoying, as I have never in my life before now had to get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom unless I was sick. Talk about disruption of sleep.
Anyway, on to the bad dreams. A lot of the time they revolve around something terrible happening to a family impending death, a funeral, just general awfulness that only makes me worry more about something bad happening to those close to me. Two nights ago was no exception. I dreamed that my 2 year old nephew fell head over heels over a low banister from a second story porch....just out of my reach and before I could do anything about it. Usually it is days before I can get the terrible images out of my head (or I'll just have another bad dream to replace the bad one before it).
Last night was a little different. I had a bad dream about Freddy Krueger. I know, what am I, ten years old??!! Probably not coincidently from seeing that someone had posted on facebook about the new (?) Friday the 13th movie that is coming out tonight....complete with the catchy little song from the movie (1, 2, Freddy's comin for know you know it). I have seen quite a few of the Friday the 13th saga and really don't find these movies to be very scary....but for some reason I was pretty scared last night. I woke up my husband, as usual, and as usual he asked what the dream was about (which is pretty impressive, considering he is always half asleep, haha) first I didn't want to tell him cause I was sure he would make fun of me....I was almost making fun of myself, despite knowing there was no way I would fall right back to sleep (cause that is when Freddy gets you. Right.). But amazingly he didn't laugh and even woke up to stay awake with me (you know, to protect me) while I ran (sprinted) to the bathroom, light glaring, and he kept his iphone lit so I could run back to jump in the bed and wasn't in total darkness. He cuddled me while I proceeded to spend the next half an hour trying to force my eyes open and read a little E News on my iphone (really, E News, is the Friday the 13th movie coming out a story?? I figured I'd find some harmless material there and eventually did) and trying to think of any possible song to get stuck in my head other than the Freddy song (thanks Taylor Swift!). Eventually I must've fallen back to sleep....and I lived to blog another day!
I guess given a bad dream about something fake (Freddy Krueger) and something that could potentially be real (something happening to my loved ones), I will take the fake any day. But if my dreams have to be so frequent and vivid, can't they be about something happy and positive??!!


  1. It is the pregnancy. I had CRAZY dreams with both of mine. Getting up to pee every few hours is just preparing you for getting up with a newborn. Or at least that is what everyone used to tell me. The only difference is that now you can go back to sleep as soon as you are done:)

  2. Hahaha!! That was a funny one! Except the part about the bad Cooper dream. Have you really never gotten up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night?? How are we from the same family? I get up at least once every night...usually twice and sometimes more. And that's not pregnant!
