Monday, April 12, 2010

It's a........

Well, today was the big day, the Monday morning I have been waiting monthly doctor's appointment! Today I am 19 weeks and 5 days pregnant. We did have an ultrasound, a fairly long one and everything looked great....especially the fact that we found out we are having a little....GIRL!!!!!
I slept terrible last night. I had bad dreams that we got lost on the way and they couldn't fit us in for another month, bad dreams that it wasn't a boy or girl (ok, this is silly, I knew they would say it was one or the other), bad dreams that it could've been either and we had to decide how to raise it (stupid Grey's Anatomy or other stupid show that had this plotline ages ago that somehow got stuck in my head). It was kinda like the next morning was Christmas and I was so excited to see what I got under the tree that I couldn't sleep. I've never been so glad to hear the alarm go off.
At first I was so surprised to hear the ultrasound tech say it was a girl. She seemed and acted like she knew what she was talking about and I didn't want to insult her....but to be fair, I have definitely heard they can be wrong and I didn't want my newborn infant boy to be decked out in all pink due to an error in the reading of the ultrasound. But the tech turned out to be pretty darn good, she got the money shot....hopefully the first and last picture of my little girl's crotch to ever be taken (oh, God, just another thing to worry about as I send her off to college....can't worry about that yet though, plenty of things in between to keep me worried). Yup, I wasn't totally 100% sure of what I was seeing but I do know what I wasn't seeing!! It is a girl!
Now it seems so much more real, so much more fun and exciting, so hard to wait till she gets here and we can meet her for the first time.
I think the next several months are going to fly by....we have to get her nursery set up, have to choose a name for her...oh, and I have to buy a zillion adorable little girl dresses and shoes for her as well! Michael is probably moving around all our money as we speak so I can't get to it, haha. Actually he seemed really excited too, I know she is going to be Daddy's little girl and will be able to get away with anything with him. :-) I can't wait!
I can't believe how exciting everything is right now. I have an amazing husband, a little girl on the way, a job, a roof over my head, wonderful family and friends....I am so very lucky and SO very thankful. :-) What a great day, really what a great life!

1 comment:

  1. So excited!!!!!!! You are going to have SO much fun!!! Little girls are like little dress up dolls!!!
