Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Still not too much to say....

Ugh, so it has been over a week since my last post. After all the excitement of finding out our baby is a girl, nothing very exciting has been going on. The past 7 seven days have been a little rough, I've just been tired and busy and more tired. We had a great dinner out with my family on Saturday night so that was nice. Sunday we busted our butts and got some cleaning done in the house....still have to work on the baby's room though, it is a nightmare from all the stuff we stored in there while we were having the renovations done. And this week is going slooowly so far. Today I feel a bit out of sorts, I don't feel bad so much as I feel over-hormonal (is this a word?) and tired and like I almost want to just curl up and sleep for a couple days and not have to deal with work. Maybe if I were home, comfy in bed, reading a book I would feel better. But no, that's not going to happen.
I am trying to find some positive things to look forward to....our beach trip in three weeks, a girls night out to the movies that I am getting together for the end of May (dinner and Sex and the City 2....since we did the same for S&TC1)...not sure what to look forward to in June, we'll take our parenting class one weekend that month and maybe a trip to FL to visit my inlaws? July, well this will be my last month of work so I am surely looking forward to the end of it, haha and maybe a trip with my parents to Chicago and Madison, Wisconsin (where I was born). August, lots of time at the pool, my birthday, finishing getting everything ready for the baby to arrive. And of course, September, the baby will be here. I feel like I am really reaching for something, anything, to pull me through the crappy. Thankfully each day has the high point of my husband cuddling me as we go to sleep each night. When the day is rotten I just wait for that moment all day long cause I know it will make me feel better and safe and like everything is ok.
Yeah, I am waiting for that right now. The day is not quite half over. Not really improving much. And I still don't really have anything of great interest to blog about. But I did think since it had been so long I better get something on here so my legions of followers (haha) don't forget about me! I hope everyone else is having a better week than I am....and hope you all have someone to cuddle you each night to make everything better. :-)


  1. Here is one for July...Me!!! I am going to make it a point that we get together when I am in town. Hope your day gets better!

  2. Yeah, and you also forgot about the most important July event...my birthday! Oh, and your husband's too. I guess that's kind of important. Also, enjoy the cuddling now..you're not going to want anyone to even come close to touching you in a couple months!!
